International Women's Day: Motherhood and business are not separate silos of life

Celebrating the Mamapreneurs this International Women's Day.

As a Hawaiian woman in business, Kapua Browning is pretty plugged in with her community.  And what a community it is.  Every entrepreneur needs a support network and that applies even more for those with kids as they are responsible for not only survival and success of a company but also survival and success and little humans-in-training.  It really takes a village - not just to raise a child - but to stay sane while raising companies and children. 

It can be a hard road but such a rewarding one, as Noelle Kauanoe Campbell points out.  "You're a mom, you run a business, a chef, a professional house cleaner, dog walker and trainer, tutor, secretary, chauffeur, potty trainer, cheerleader, landscaper, judge, just to name a few..."  What is not to love?  

Noelle is an inspirational Hawaiian mamapreneur that coaches other moms in business through workshops and events.  Her messages are a force of support among mamapreneurs.   
"So, I am committed to a community of grounded, gracious māmā rising in their businesses and lives, putting family first, and building legacies their grandchildren will be proud of." ~ Noelle Kauanoe Campbell

Tiare Thomas is a Dream Coach at Aloha Dreamboard.  She helps fellow mamapreneurs (and non-mamapreneurs) navigate new & challenging transitions and to create a fulfilling life & business@alohadreamboard.  

Britt Lau is the creative mind behind Treehouse Teas, Hawaiian-grown teas and botanicals and the owner of Ami Mei, a local Hawaiian shop with an assortment of 100% Hawaiʻi-grown teas, local apothecary items, health supplements, self care goods and more.



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